Creating Quality Web Experiences: Seamlessly Blending SEO and Accessibility


I discovered web development in 2015 when I wanted to add animation to my first page in blogger and went professional in 2020. My expertise lies in front-end development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, React, and Next.js. I’m also skilled in back-end technologies like Node.js, PHP, Python, and databases like MongoDB, Firebase, PostgreSQL and FaunaDB. Other than webdev, I hold Google certifications in Data analysis and Finding Hidden Messages in DNA from Coursera.

As I love solving problems, my passion is to work in the field of genetic engineering as well and work to solve genetic problems which cause serious illness. I also work on some investor behavior analysis app which I named Checks.

I’m also found of international politics and philosphy. When I’m not coding or doing any tech work I read philosphy and anthropology. My favourite book for now is Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari.


  1. 2022-2023

    Hotel Broker, Italy — 2023

    Front-end Web Developer

    I joined as a web developer and made an entire custom coded website which is multilingual. I also implemented CMS for easier handling and cloudinary hosting. I made a search filter for sorting rooms and deployed it on netlify using ReactJS.

    ReactJSHTML/CSSJavaScriptDecap (Netlify CMS)Netlify
  2. 2022

    TRAINING ASSEN, Netherland

    Shortterm Web Developer

    I made a website for Ramona Simons. She’s personal trainer and fitness expert. I made a static website and I worked as a developer and added a blog section. For her to write blog posts I added Decap CMS (formally Netlify CMS).

    HTML/CSSJavaScriptDecap (Netlify CMS)NetlifyHugo
  3. 2021-2022

    DEA Aviation, London

    Web Developer

    My job was to convert HTML pages to tools like Hugo, TailwindCSS. Later on worked to implement the redesign. Additionally, it played a pivotal role in the development of the ESAO website, a sibling company, further expanding the company’s online reach and influence.

    HTML/CSSTailwindJavaScriptScroll AnimationsHugo
  4. 2021

    Acurable, London

    Shortterm Web Developer

    Company aim was to make their website to showcase product and research work. I built the entire website.

    Multilingual WebsiteHTML/CSSBootstrapJS/TSHugo
  5. 2020-2021

    Novello Surveyors, London

    Web Developer

    I worked alone on the development of Novello Surveyors’first website using Jekyll, Tailwind, and Netlify CMS. I also worked on an internal system using ReactJS and MongoDB. Then to make things easier for SEO teams moved to custom WordPress blocks and worked with the marketing and SEO team.

    HTML/CSSJavaScriptTypeScriptZOHO Form IntegrationsJekyllDecap (Netlify CMS)NetlifyPHPWordPressReactMongoDB


  1. Data visualization

    Made a Data Analysis tool

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga maxime necessitatibus error quaerat eum? Nostrum, voluptatum alias nisi rem minima quis nulla soluta officia. Rerum porro vero error omnis reprehenderit?

  2. Coding on screen

    Made a Javascript Library

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga maxime necessitatibus error quaerat eum? Nostrum, voluptatum alias nisi rem minima quis nulla soluta officia. Rerum porro vero error omnis reprehenderit?
